
How do I place an order?

All uniform orders must be made using the MCAS app (My Child At School). 

How do I receive my order? 

All orders will be delivered to class the next working day.

At Fulbridge Academy we pride ourselves in not only what we do but also how smart we look.  Therefore, all children are expected to wear school uniform as listed below.  

From September 2023, children can wear their PE kit for the entire day that they have PE.  

Our Academy colours are pale blue and maroon.  To view and place an order please use the MCAS App. You order will then be sent home with your child. 

A book bag and a P.E. bag is recommend for your child/ren to safely and responsibly take care of their school belongings.   Please make sure that everything your child wears to school is marked with his/her name. This way items are easier to trace if they go missing.

JEWELLERY: One stud/sleeper in each ear only. No other jewellery (excect watches or any other items worn for religious reasons).






Please click the link below to download and view our uniform policy and uniform Brochure:

Uniform Policy

Uniform Brochure