Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust

Mental Health & Wellbeing

This is Mrs Metcalfe and she is the Assistant Principal for Inclusion and is also responsible for leading on Mental Health and Well Being at Fulbridge. 

If you have any questions or queries please let speak to our Inclusion Team.
Thank you 

At Fulbridge Academy we are committed to supporting mental health and well-being for all. This specifically includes supporting; pupils, parents and staff members. As an establishment of education and work, we understand our responsibility when it comes to supporting mental health and well-being. 

Information about mental health and well-being is highly sensitive and such information should be kept confidential. 

Our mental health and well-being ‘offer’ is available and accessible for all. We aim to achieve an environment where we can promote good mental health whilst training all staff to spot concerns, offer support and seek advice if necessary for each other, our pupils and their families. 

Our Mental Health and Well Being Offer includes an academy policy, our educational curriculum, a local and national provision map and trained staff who can signpost families to support. 

At Fulbridge Academy we have a Senior Mental Health Lead who has completed the Senior Lead Training. The Senor Lead, leads The Inclusion Team who support the school with a range of areas including Mental Health and Well Being.


Please click on the logo of the website you wish to visit.

Fulbridge Academy

All staff have basic Mental Health training

Inclusion Team Support

The Inclusion Team offer support to families

SEMH referral process

We have a Social Emotional Mental Health referral process

Trained ELSAs

We have two trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants

Counselling Students on Placement

We can offer counselling to adults via counselling students on placement

Early Help Pathway 

We can offer the Early Help Pathway to families.

This is a pathway which aims to improve the delivery of services for children with a disability or significant and complex additional needs and their families. 

MHST referral pathway & support

We can refer families to the Mental Health Support Team

C&E Curriculum includes MHWB

Our Citizenship and Ethics curriculum includes Mental Health and Well Being

Assemblies cover MHWB (Mental Health and Wellbeing)

Pupil Voice Surveys

We send out Pupil and Parent Voice Surveys annually

Physical Education Offer

Our Physical Education Offer supports Mental Health and Well Being


 Mental Heath Directory  

GP Search


Self Harm UK

Rethink Siblings Project

RETHINK Support Groups