Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust

Safeguarding & Prevent


Fulbridge Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment.

At Fulbridge there is nothing more important to us than the physical and emotional health and well-being of our pupils and staff alike. 

You can contact or speak to your child’s class teacher after school, speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team or our Safeguarding Lead, all of whom are happy to talk though any concerns or worries you may have.

We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Safeguarding Policy, this can be found at the bottom of this page.

The Academy has a safeguarding team led by the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Sam Smee and Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Mr George Edwards. 

Safeguarding Team 

Our robust safeguarding measures ensure that all professionals are trained. We have a member of the Senior Leadership Team who is responsible for strategic safeguarding arrangements within the school. The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead oversees the day to day handling of concerns. The Deputy works closely with the SEMH (Social Emotional Mental Health) Lead, SEND Officer and SENDCo on all matters relating to the wider running of the Inclusion Team. 

We are committed to supporting our students to develop the skills necessary to stay safe from abuse and to know whom to turn to for help. As a school we uphold the principles of 2023 Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance. This is published on the DfE Government website, alongside other relevant legislation and policies. 

If you have any concerns please contact:    

What support can we offer you and/or your child?

We have a Safeguarding Officer who works closely with all staff in school and liaises with external agencies for example, Children's Social Care, Police and Health Services to ensure a fully inclusive working relationship around all of our students.

We have access to external support through the Early Help process, if your child needs some additional support we can look at a whole family assessment to see which service would be most suitable. We work closely with support agencies such as Sleep Solutions, NSPCC and Family Action and we can also help support parents, carers and families with out of school worries for example, housing, debt and crisis. 

Safeguarding and Child Protection leaflet



Prevent is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes. 

The Prevent strategy covers all types of terrorism and extremism. Fulbridge Academy is committed to carrying out the Prevent strategy to ensure that our children are protected from radicalisation and extremism in all forms. 

Through our carefully planned curriculum and the care provided by our trained staff, we endeavour to recognise when a child may be at risk and to educate our children to protect themselves from harm.

If you have any concerns regarding Prevent, please report to Mr Sam Smee, Single Point of Contact (SPOC).

PREVENT Risk Assessment and Action Plan

Potential Risks:

1) Students accessing extremist material in school VERY LOW RISK
  Capture software allows staff to log any attempts to access extremist material and identify students.  
2) Students accessing extremist material outside school LOW / MEDIUM RISK
   Lessons and assemblies to focus on the dangers of extremism, educating students about the risks and what to do if they find or are encouraged to access extremist material.  
3) Students expressing extreme views or encouraging others to behave extremely LOW RISK
  Safeguarding system understood by all students and they are confident to disclose to key staff. Staff aware of PREVENT and dangers of extremism and report using CPoms. Information shared with parents/ carers to show them how to set filters at home and what to be aware of.  
4) The school becoming associated with extremist groups VERY LOW RISK
   External bookings carefully checked that they are not affiliated with extremism. Policies in place to deal with staff, students or visitors who express extremist or anti-British sentiments.  

Key Actions:


Action Point


Staff Responsible


Ensure C&E and P4T curriculums are updated and reflect key messages about extremism


SLT in conjunction with C&E Subject Lead and Inclusion Teacher


Ensure staff are kept up to date with PREVENT and can recognise potential warning signs of radicalisation

At least annually



Ensure ICT filters and policies protect students, staff and visitors from extremist material


ICT Network Manager


Ensure students are aware of dangers and what to do if they feel at risk of radicalisation

ICT, C&E and P4T curriculum need updating annually

SLT in conjunction with C&E Subject Lead and Inclusion Teacher


Discuss students at risk of radicalisation during safeguarding meetings


Inclusion Assistant Principal and DSLs


Update risk assessment




Consider external bookings, checking not affiliated with extremism


Head of School