
Meet our Govenors here.

Please select the drop down arrow to find out more about our School Governors.

Karen Hingston: Chair of Governors


David Chandler: Vice Chair of Governors

Libby Parrot: Staff Governor

Erum Khan: Community Governor

Salma Akhtar: Community Governor

Kerry McMichael: Co-opted Governor

Scott Biggs: Co-opted Governor



  • Mrs K. Hingston

    Chair of Governors

  • Mr D. Chandler

    Vice Chair

  • Mrs I. Strowger

    Clerk to Governors

  • Mr B. Erskine

    Principal Of Fulbridge, Co Ex-Officio

  • Mrs L. Parrott

    Staff Governor

  • Mrs S. Akhtar

    Community Governor

  • Mrs E. Khan

    Community Governor

  • Mr S. Biggs

    Co-opted Governor

  • Mrs K. McMichael

    Co-opted Governor

  • Mrs F. Perveen

    Parent Governor

  • Mr A. Mahmood

    Community Governor