Science Poster Competition 2025

Mr Mills, Science Lead, would like to share some information about a science poster competition.
All children from across school are invited to take part if they wish.
This year's theme is: 'Change & Adapt'.
Children from all year groups are invited to create a poster that links to this year's theme 'Change & Adapt".
The poster could include:
-How plants and animals adapt to changing seasons or surroundings.
-How humans have adapted to changing technology.
-Climate change and how we can adapt our behaviours to protect the environment.
-A favourite science experiment that demonstrates a change.
The more creative the interpretation of the theme, the better!
As a school we can only send 5 entries into the national competition so Mr Mills will select the overall 5 winners but there will also be prizes from school for a winner from Rec & Year 1, Year 2-3, and Year 4-6. Prizes to be announced and entries will be displayed
in school.
Prizes for winners of the national competition can be found on their website but have previously included: Cool Cat Chem Cards, STEM books, Shape Aliens Game, At the museum jigsaw, Memberships for My Science Club, MegaWatt Games, WWF adoption pack, and a 12 month subscription to Alfresco learning.
Resources: if you need any paper or other resources, please ask an adult in your class.
All entries must be handed in to class before:
Friday 21st March 2025
Good luck, and we look forward to seeing your posters.
More details about the national competition can be found here: